You can use it at breakfast, in the preparation of pastries, in pasta and salads. It is not very difficult to make fresh cheese at home. This cheese is one of the essential foods in Anatolian cuisine. With these 3 ingredients, you will also have a product that you know how it is made and what it contains, and that you produce yourself. Let's start!

Homemade Fresh Cheese Ingredients:
How To Make Homemade Fresh Cheese?

We put 3 kg of fresh milk in the pot and when it reaches the boiling point we add 6 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix it and turn off the stove after we see that the milk has started to curdle. We add salt according to our taste and let cool.

About 1 hour later, we pour curdled milk into cheesecloth and hang it. (We can use the strained water in soups)

We hang the cheesecloth as in the picture so that the remaining water can also be filtered.

After hanging for half a day, there is about 850 grams of delicious fresh cheese left.

Your homemade fresh cheese is ready. Enjoy it!
Homemade Fresh Cheese Ingredients:
How To Make Homemade Fresh Cheese?

We put 3 kg of fresh milk in the pot and when it reaches the boiling point we add 6 tablespoons of lemon juice, mix it and turn off the stove after we see that the milk has started to curdle. We add salt according to our taste and let cool.

About 1 hour later, we pour curdled milk into cheesecloth and hang it. (We can use the strained water in soups)

We hang the cheesecloth as in the picture so that the remaining water can also be filtered.

After hanging for half a day, there is about 850 grams of delicious fresh cheese left.

Your homemade fresh cheese is ready. Enjoy it!
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